
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2020

Why The Short Beads Stair is Colorful?

(Seri rangkaian Q and A seputar Metoda Montessori)

Do you have any thoughts about why the (beads) color's different today? 

Dr. Philip Snow Gang said : "Well.. No.. I think this is much prettier in the all colors."

His answer is quick and simple in his presentation.

Hmm.. Kadang gak semua warna di material montessori harus ada alasan kenapanya. Kalaupun ada mungkin itu udah dikembangkan para penerusnya. 

Jawabannya bisa sesederhana ini aja : to make the materials beautiful, pretty and people will love & exciting to see and use it. Or just to make people aware of the material's identity.

Lalu siapakah Dr. Philip Snow Gang ini? 

Dr. Philip had a close relationship with Montessori family. 

When he research about Montessori he had several her hand written manuals (album). 

Philip had another 'treasure' : some pre World War II montessori material. He said : "It's a set of beads, it's quite interesting cause it has different colors but they're gorgeous beads."

For Dr. Philip, Bringing Montessori Back to Montessori means : We came from nature and will be back to the nature.

We have to unlock the children from nature. It's a primary things. Love of nature is love of yourself.

You can not love yourself without love nature. 

Mengembalikan fitrah anak-anak ke alam adalah kebutuhan utama mereka, sejak dulu Maria Montessori menerapkannya (tampak dalam foto-foto sejarahnya).

Thank you very much for the powerful presentation, Dr. Philip 🥰 

So many lovely insight from a wise man.



#onlinecourse #montessoricourse #keeplearning



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